Road Infrastructure
The most important road communication in the Republic passes through the municipality of Razanj, the international high-ranking road E-75 (Budapest-Belgrade-Nis-Skopje), Coridor 10. The nearest Nis airport is located about 50 km from the municipality of Razanj. Including the highway, the total length of roads is 116 km, of which the Municipality has about 100 km of roads with modern roads.
Road length, 2.011 (in km).

The connection of the municipality of Razanj with the immediate surroundings is realized over 38 km of regional roads: R-121a (E-75, Podgorac-Josanica connection with R-121 and Soko Banja), R-214 (old road communication Belgrade-Nis, parallel to E -75 connects Razanj, Aleksinac and Nis) and R-221 (connection with R-214 Djunis-Prokuplje), of which 29 km under the modern road. On the territory of the municipality of Razanj, there are local roads in the total length of 77.76 km, of which 70.80 km are under modern roads and 6.96 km with dirt roads.
The modern road curtain on the local road is represented with 91.05% of the total area, but it is extremely damaged, which significantly reduces the representation.
All regional roads were made of bituminous base course in 1959 and since then interventions have been carried out only on maintenance (filling potholes) and not on asphalt concrete. Due to the age itself, as well as the high frequency of motor vehicles, network cracks appeared that require constant maintenance. On the regional roads R-214 and R-221, it is necessary to cover with asphalt concrete d = 4 cm in width of 5-7 m and total length of about 20 km, important for the life of citizens on the territory of the municipality of Razanj.
On the regional road R-121a, the section Grabovo-Josanica is with a dirt road in the length of 9 km. The participation of the Republic in the construction of this road would help the development of the tourism of the Municipality, having in mind that the neighboring municipality of Soko Banja is a tourist place.
Considering that the section of the regional road R-121a Vitoševac-Podgorac is in a very bad condition, it is necessary to repair it.