
Demographic trends in the municipality of Razanj are characterized by constant, relatively intensive migration and deterioration of vital characteristics of the population.

In terms of distribution and population, it belongs to the group of smaller municipalities in Serbia. It covers an area of ​​289 km2 with 9.150 inhabitants (according to the 2011 census) or 32 inhabitants per 1 km2. In terms of population density, the Municipality lags significantly behind the regional and national average.

The structure of the population by age consists of: up to 19 years-1524 inhabitants (17% of the total population); from 20 to 39 years-1765 inhabitants (19% of the total population); from 40 to 59 years-2415 inhabitants (26% of the total population), from 60 to 79 years -2793 inhabitants (31% of the total population); over 80 years -653 inhabitants (7% of the total population). The average age in the municipality of Razanj is 49 years, and the rate of natural increase is -19 per mille ° / ◦◦.

Population by age groups, 2011

According to the data of the Republic institute of Statistics and the National Employment Service in the municipality of Razanj, there are 737 employed and 610 registered unemployed persons.

Number of employed and registrated unemployed, by sex, 2011

Participation of the unemployed by age groups in the total number of unemployed, 2011 (in %)

Source: National Employment Service

Share of unemployed persons by age groups and sex in the total number of unemployed, 2011 (in %)

Source: National Employment Service