Economy profile

Economy structure:

There are currently 192 entrepreneurs operating on the territory of the municipality of Razanj, of which 11 are newly established and 5 have been deleted, and 47 companies.

Small and medium enterprises operate in Razanj. A large number of small enterprises have been developed in the field of wood processing in terms of production of furniture and funeral equipment. In the field of trade and crafts, a network of entrepreneurial activities has been developed that employ a large number of citizens of the municipality of Razanj.

The material basis for the development of industry and construction of the municipality of Razanj is based on the following economic entities:

DOO '' Gerber eksport '' Vitosevac, (metal processing) - currently employs 30 workers, is engaged in the production of trailers, steel structures, metal accessories, process equipment. Business experience of more than 30 years. Partnerships in the domestic and foreign markets. Good technical equipment and market recognition

DIS '' Todorovic '' Razanj, (production of dairy products) - production capacity is constantly increasing, high demand for dairy products, the advantage of products that are used every morning.

"Elegant Milovanovic" Razanj (furniture production) - currently employs 14 workers, placing a constant increase in their products on both domestic and foreign markets. Partnership with a large number of companies in their long-term business.

DOO '' Metaloprerada '' Razanj (production of metal structures) - currently employs 12 workers who are engaged in workshop production and installation of light, medium and heavy steel structures, as well as the manufacture and installation of all types of locksmith. The workers are trained and have all the necessary documentation for work at height, so in addition to installation, they also perform cover work with TR sheet metal and panels.

“SAVA COOP” DOO NOVI SAD - Agricultural company. The main activity is the import and distribution of products from renowned global suppliers. The product range includes plant protection products, seeds, animal feed, fertilizers, greenhouse equipment, irrigation equipment, agricultural equipment, tools and technical fertilizers and the like. It currently employs 10 workers and more in the plant in Razanj in the future, considering that the renovation of the facilities is in progress.

Economic development is also provided by companies, enterprises and entrepreneurs in the field of metal industry, textile industry, agriculture, wood industry, trade, transport and transport and bakery industry.